THE LAST DANCE   July 28 – 30, 2023

Dance, dance, otherwise we are lost. Pina Bausch stole this saying from a Roma girl. I would rather put it like this: Dance, dance, we’re lost anyway.

Everywhere you look, violence, greed and stupidity seem to be spreading unchecked, humanity remains in a state of shock and the end of patriarchy also seems to be dragging on. Things are bleak. The end is near and arrogance comes before the fall. So let us celebrate! Dance under the rain of ashes! Let us splash in before the rivers dry up! Let’s feel everything that makes us happy and at home before we have to say goodbye…

This year, we have invited dancers, visual artists, and sound artists to create choreographies and choirs, installations and happenings, body experiences, and body images. We want to find out how these artistic practices affect the quality and creativity of the s-x positive spaces xplore provides. We would like to make you aware of this privilege:  to be able to surrender to fears in a safe setting, to be able to create and experience such end-time dreams and ecstatic dystopias.

xplore 2023 – the last dance – is an opportunity to gather with us for a special celebration and to give expression to pain, grief and anger. But we will surely also find some space for joy, lust and life!

Felix Ruckert, Feb 2023